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巴黎银行将港台同中國并列 網友:想退出中國市場?









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發表於 2022-1-13 18:26:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

BNP Paribas mislabels HK and Taiwan, triggering boycott

(圖via VCG)

BNP Paribas, a France-based internation翻譯社,al banking institution, listed China's Taiwan island and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on par with China on its website, sparking widespread outrage and a call for a boycott on China's social media。


Global Times reporters on Tuesday found that BNP Paribas' website lists Hong Kong and Taiwan without their motherland China, while Reunion Island in Africa, New Caledonia in Asia Pacific and other regions are clearly followed by “France。”

Global Times记者周二發明,法國巴黎银行在其網站上零丁列出了香港和台灣,没有标注“中國”字样。而非洲的留尼新店支票借款,汪島、亚太的新喀里多尼亚和其他地域暗地里则较着标注了個“法國”。

(截圖via 巴黎银行官網)

BNP Paribas responded to the Global Times in an email on Tuesday that “we already use the term 'locations' on our websites and fully take into account the status of Hong Kong SAR [Special Administrative Region], Macau SAR and Taiwan as regions of China。”

周二,巴黎银行在给Global Times的一封邮件中回應称,“咱们已在網站上利用了‘地址’一词,并充實斟酌了香港出格行政區、澳門出格行政區和台灣作為中國國土的职位地方。”

On both of its Chinese and English websites, Hong Kong and Taiwan are listed alongside with China。


(截圖via 巴黎银行官網)

Such a bank should be put on China's list of unreliable entities, according to a netizen on Weibo。


Others said that if the bank wanted to get out of the Chinese market, they could help it。


As one of the earliest foreign banks to enter China, it set up its first office in Shanghai in 1860, according to its website, and currently has more than 500 employees in China。 BNP Paribas also holds 18-percent stock in China's Bank of Nanjing。


Mislabeling Hong Kong and Taiwan was not the only event that triggered Chinese netizens' outrage。 The bank on Friday 除蟎噴霧,issued a statement on its Chinese website apologizing for one of its employees' social media posts, after netizens found a person named Jason Y。 Ng, possibly a BNP Pari清除宿便,bas employee, who had made posts in support of the Hong Kong riots on his Facebook account。

毛病地标注香港和台灣,其實不是巴黎银行独一引發中國網民愤慨的事務。上周五,網友發明一個名叫Jason Y。 Ng的人在Facebook上發帖支撑香港動乱,這人多是巴黎银行的员工。以後巴黎银行在此中文網站上颁發声明,就员工在社交媒體上發的帖子道歉。

(截圖v今彩539號碼,ia 巴黎银行官網)

文:Song Lin、Zhang Hui

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